The unfavourable planetary position will lead to natural disasters like earthquake sandstorm etc. Heat waves in Central, Western and Northern parts of the country creating weather disturbances and giving less rains and extreme heat. Earthquakes may occur in hilly areas. Extreme heat waves will cause deaths. Some areas may face drought conditions. Government should be ready for disaster management.

Aries ( Moon Sign )
A possibility is there that you may get betrayed in business and therefore little cautiousness is adviced from friends and relatives. Independent involvement will give gains but rivalry may turn up and may bar your work. Stay aware for your spouse health. It may deteriorate.
Feed the birds and worship Maa Durga. Your sixth sense will get strengthened.

Taurus ( Moon Sign )
A possibility of change of job or a new profession is supposed to come marching in. One way or another relationship issues and stress will head up over the next few days. Trusting people might not appear fruitful. Travelling is on the cards. There will be a lot of opportunities to travel.
Feeding dogs is advisable to initiate better inflow of cash.

Gemini ( Moon Sign )
Expanding business will be successful and will yield profits. Things will be moving on a great speed making possibility of gaining high positions and honours in Government Organisations. This month will bring peace and prosperity in the family.
Feeding the fish will avoid negative thoughts and will keep you in a right frame of mind.

Cancer ( Moon Sign )
Socially it might not be a very good period and you will not get complete support from your family. Some can face disputes from brothers and sisters on property issues. People involved in business will get mix results. You need to be gentle with your resources. Beware of the loses. Fights with the spouse is also on the cards and can increase the tensions. Allow some space to the partner and let them speak their point of view as well.
Offering jal to Shiv Ji and Shiv Parvati Puja should be performed to avoid distrust and misunderstandings.

Leo ( Moon Sign )
Great time to make new beginnings. Family and friends will prove to be a great support. There are chances of new jobs an you may start with new business and those who are in jobs might get transfers. Overall a very good period for students. Student will be successful in their venture and get their favourite subjects. Travel will prove to be a great stress buster and rejuvenating.
Offering jal to Surya will be very auspicious.

Virgo ( Moon Sign )
Great time to plan a trip abroad. Partnership in business with friends might turn out in a good profit. Shifting in terms of land, house, property, office is on the cards.
Feed the cow.

Libra ( Moon Sign )
Luck and fortune are on your side. All of a sudden money gain possibility can be foreseen. Pleasure trips will be exciting both for you and your family. Good opportunity for people who are looking for property. Be careful from your enemies. Student will achieve good results. Overall all a peaceful period.
Donation of white food items like sugar, milk, rice will give a lot of improvement.

Scorpio ( Moon Sign )
A little stressful period for few in terms of happiness, love life and personal life has not been so smooth. Arguments and disputes may spill your peace of mind. Stay aware about your health. Be cautious while making any deal to get little gain in your professional life.
Feed the cows with sweets.

Saggitarius ( Moon Sign )
Favourable Planetary Position will provide increase in respect and possibility of starting a new business or profession. Good fortune will give gain of wealth. Those in jobs will get promotion with some high income inflow.
Worship Ganesh Ji

Capricorn ( Moon Sign )
There would be much growth and development in your skills. Business involved people shall get good gains. Travelling is possible and possibility of buying a new vehicle is predicted. Expenditure or auspicious ceremony in your family are in your way. Overall a good month.
Worship Saturn.

Aquarius ( Moon Sign )
Beware of enemies and plan your path in a way that causes minimum stress. Some new beginnings and investment in property are suggested. Be careful while travelling, spouse health may suffer.Overall challenging period. Gather all your energy and strength, avoid travelling and stressful relations with brothers and sisters. Those in job may face a little tension. Avoid any hasty decisions and listen to your inner-self as things may turn against you. Hidden tensions may upset throughout. Your cash outflow will be more than your cash inflow. You need to prioritize your spending according to your needs.
Worship Hanuman Ji and read Hanuman Chalisa.

Piscec ( Moon Sign )
You will spend a lot of time with your family. Incomplete jobs will get through. You would experience some expansions in your profession. Better job opportunities are inflowing. Grab every chance that come your way to grow professionally. Overall a good and a peaceful period for you and your family. Betrayal and loyalty issues can arise. Be alert, stick to the loyal ones.
Worship Brahma Ji