Aries ( Moon Sign )
Your expenses will increase and you will spend unnecessarily. Financially you might see yourself drained at this time. A very critical time for businessmen. Don’t not lend money to anybody else you might face betrayal. Theft is on the cards and there is a possibility of vehicle theft and theft at home too. Some of your valuable possession can go missing now. There is a fair probability, that an opportunity to travel around some new long distance place. In middle of the month you will find your work taking shape and going well enough with satisfying profits. Your health condition will be at risk of breaking down. Friends and relatives will support you.
Chant Hamunan Chalisa.

Taurus ( Moon Sign )
Starting a new business will not be very favourable right now. Keep your anger in control, if not you will see yourself in a harmful phase and you might face losses. Manage your arguments. Travelling should be avoided in this period. Your mind may turn towards religious and spiritual things. Some financial gain can be expected after the middle of this month. You will get government support and family support may keep you high in this time of crisis. Mediocre health may persist for you now. Students will see improvement in their progress. You may spend money on luxury.
Donate milk or sugar to poor people.

Gemini ( Moon Sign )
Travelling should be avoided. People in job can seek transfers. Those in business may not have a good time. You may get cheated by your friends and relatives and face criticism from them. Financial crisis will keep you stressful but you will find improvement coming from the end of this month. Marriage life will be harmonious. You will get support from your life partner. You may get honour for some good job at your work place. A medium success time will keep your mind stable.
Donate green Moong Dal to beggars.

Cancer ( Moon Sign )
People may give you extra respect nowadays. Expect a good financial month. You may buy a new land or vehicle. Your hard work is going to pay you with god results overall. You will gain respect but on the contrary your health might deteriorate and can be a cause of stress for you. Avoid litigations and those already in litigation will get good results in their favour. An opportunity for travel may come your way. Financially you will be well maintained. In the case of your household affairs you can pace a good time. Married life will be smooth. Support from family will keep you in good spirits.
Worship Lord Shiva.

Leo ( Moon Sign )
Cash flow will get misbalanced. Do your business carefully. Not a very satisfying time for you. Avoid travelling, you might face injury. Huge expenditure is expected. As a parent you will fulfill your duties for your children. Despite all of this, your image will improve and grow. Your enemies will get defeated. Students will get success if they work hard. A piece of advice to you is that do not trust and believe in anybody as you may be cheated. Your health may not be very positive but will not deteriorate.
Offer Jal to Surya.

Virgo ( Moon Sign )
Lack of strength and hard work will keep your mind unstable. Don’t be very hopeful about your income. In the beginning of this month, you may expect some profit from business but on the other hand you may not get expected profits from land or property. A medium success time. Being stubborn and arrogant can be harmful for you now. Spiritual journeys are on the cards. You may get a better reputation and respect. Expenditure on auspicious occasions will keep your mind strong and positive at domestic front.
Chant Durga satpati path.

Libra ( Moon Sign )
Job and professional career is to remain well and good. Travelling will prove to be beneficial. Hopefully your business will give success in the month’s beginning. A blissful domestic life is going to arrive soon. You can expect good gains in this period. Students will do fairly good now. Your enemies will face defeat. You may spend a huge amount on luxury and jewellery. There is a chance of starting new business venture also. Avoid non vegetarian food and hard drinks on Saturdays. Chance of great money coming. Keep yourself humble and kind. You and your friends may have a quality time.
Donate white cloth to Brahmins or poor people.

Scorpio ( Moon Sign )
Parents at this moment will be seriously worried about their children. Some major concern for their children might bother them. Newly married couples will be blessed with children. Absolutely a charming month for lovers. They can expect to have a blissful time in their romantic relationship. At your job your respect might grow and relatives and friends will support you. Your job and business may get going well enough. You will gain a good reputation at this moment. Be careful as some close friend may cause you a serious harm.
Donate Red Musar Dal to poor people.

Saggitarius ( Moon Sign )
An improvement is to be looked forward to as far as your health is concerned. You may spend huge money to maintain your physical health at this moment. Your domestic affairs probably will be peaceful and harmonious. Mentally you may be at peace now. Student will undergo a good phase. You are advised to stay away from clever females. You might see yourself in litigation as there are chances of indulging in unnecessary disputes. There are chances of promotion in case of people who are in job. You may pursue travelling opportunities to hilly areas. Some of your relatives may prove to be stressful. Avoid arguments.
Donate yellow sweets.

Capricorn ( Moon Sign )
Your jobs and business deals both will be successful and fruitful. You have a good time to start new ventures in business. Hopefully you can expect a good gain. Unemployed people will get good job opportunities. You are likely to remain healthy at this time. Your expenses are likely to more so it is advised to be alert. You will get success in your work. Your honour is likely to increase. You will gain respect and honour from your seniors. People in job will see themselves honoured from government. Your fame will increase. These are chances of some profit now. Chances of buying new home and property are there. You will face tension and stress regarding your children at this moment. You might find some lost thing in this period.
Visit Shani Temple every Saturday.

Aquarius ( Moon Sign )
You might get more fame and honour. Success is likely to visit you and you will have a good profit in business. Health will be in a good state. Some old hopes will get fulfilled, new chances of business. Married couples will be gaining happiness of a child at this time. Good marriage relationships will keep you in a happy mood. Your honour is likely to increase. You might have some spiritual and auspicious occasion at home. A good healthy period. Keep a check on your eating habits.
Offer sweets to Lord Hanuman on Tuesday.

Piscec ( Moon Sign )
Your bad temper with the people around you may make you upset for some time. You can be quarrelling with your near ones. As a result your temperament will be perhaps rough. You may spoil your image due to this. No fortune is anticipated in terms of your business career. A golden opportunity may come your way for travel to a foreign trip or a domestic venture. Avoid litigations. Your health can be deteriorated and this may cause you mental tension. Stay away from clever females. Your enemies will spread rumours about you. Stress regarding business will decrease and a favourable time will begin by the end of this month.
Feed the fish.
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Jyotish means light of God. It is an integral part of our ancient Vedic culture which is at least 5000 years old as per conservative estimate. I would like to give you a brief overview of my outlook of Astrology.
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