In this month you should focus upon your health. Make sure that you get your checkups done regularly. Use naturalpathy to protect your health. Avoid travelling specially long travels. Not a very favourable period for business. Because of ill-health your business growth might slowdown to an extent. Though you might get some opportunities for gain but you will feel low on certain occasions. You are advised to be more optimistic and look at things with the broader prospective. This month is full of complexity In which you don’t know when and what will happen. It will be better for you to fix your priorities and work with strong financial planning. You will not have cordial relations with your relatives. Avoid quarrels and don’t use foul language with anybody who is close to you. You will have to Develop a bit more patience in handling certain issues. You will plan to invest in new property or acquire a new vehicle. This period seems to be tough for students. Expenses on children are also indicated. Saving is not indicated. You have to be very cautious expenses. Avoid heavy investments.