You are an eternal optimist, and events of the year will further strengthen your optimistic instincts. You can do reasonably well if you time your investments intelligently based on the best periods hinted for your sign. All round cooperation and happiness can be the reward from your loved ones and associates, victory over opponents and pleasant functions such as marriage or romantic situations parties are also the likely outcomes. Family atmosphere will be quite satisfactory.You will have abundance of energy- but work pressure seems to get you irritated. Speculation will bring in profits. Motivate your child to live up to your expectations. But do not expect miracles as he tries. Your encouragement would definitely boost his spirits. Spell of love is all set to bind you this day. Just feel the bliss. Good day to visit a lawyer to take some legal advice.Do not avoid your health during this time and you should avoid eating outside. Otherwise you are likely to suffer from stomach ailments and digestive problems.