Novel Coronavirus – What the future holds?

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A lot of my friends and viewers have been calling me for the past one month for my predictions regarding the ongoing outbreak of the pandemic Covid-19. I was waiting for this day as astrologically the position of Mars will get altered tonight at 10:45 pm. Mars will join Saturn and this combination will strengthen…


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A very productive period that will give you a feeling of satisfaction for what you have achieved. During this period you will enjoy the life .You will get many opportunities to travel and study abroad. Travelling would be very rewarding. You will enjoy your progress in life. You will get full support from your friends.…


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You will donate for charitable deeds and will prosper during this period. There may be pleasant surprises and lot of get together with family and relatives. Overall happiness is indicated in this time. Try to be more soft and generous with your siblings. You will support your brothers and sisters in this period. This is…


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Try to focus on improving your personality and wellness in this time. Outstation travel will not be comfortable but you will make good connections. Controlling anger is advised. You should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. You will donate for charitable deeds and you will be very strong spiritually. Your…


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Not a very good period for business as you might see a slowdown in the first week of this month. Do not believe in luck at this time. Keep working hard and believe in yourself as this would prove useful for you. At this time money flow will have bumps. If you are hoping to…