You will get success and you will gain fame amongst all. You will gain a lot of respect and you will be praised for your efficiency to success. You will help people which will help you in gaining fame. A very satisfying period for you. Your abilities in business and occupation will be excellent. You will have good relations with your mother and in fact you will maintain good relations with all the females in your life. You may not feel happy and satisfied from your children’s side. There is also a possibility in this period where you think of changing your business or profession. You will get good opportunities for foreign journeys. All the efforts that you have been putting in from a very long time will start reaping benefits to your liking. Some Major Changes could be expected. Also along with these changes you will face newer challenges as well. It could be in terms of finances or on the work front but your hard work and talent will safely bring you out from all challenging situations. Financially things will look good and your career is all set to take a leap. If you are battling any physical illness then there are bright chances of recovering. Some unexpected gains are indicated. Avoid arguments. Your love partner will surprise you with something really beautiful. In the end of this month new project and risks should be avoided. You need to curb new investments and commitment. You are advised to do some spiritual work which could get you out of any troubles. People jealous of you can cause problems so be alert. This month might increase the size of your family. It means that either a new member will be born or someone might get married in your family. You will always keep your efforts going on for the happiness of your family. Even if you will have to spend money on them, it won’t disturb you but even then you may have to face negative behavior from your family. Dependency on your family for solution of your problems is not considered good for you.

Remedy: Serve a black cow.