If you are planning to buy a new home or an office it seems like most unexpected benefits are just around you. You might get a promotion so be prepared and you might invest in property. Don’t take any unnecessary tension and avoid overthinking in your relationships. You will get full support and you will be able to impress everyone at your workplace. Beware not to spend too much over something that is not useful and keep your wallet or purse in check as expenditure is likely to increase. It seems that you will be lucky and fortunate for the most of this month. Atmosphere in the family will be harmonious. This is the right period to plan a baby with your partner as well. Make sure everyone at home is healthy for that. Regular checkups are advised. You will be emotionally and physically happy. You may face some problem related to your child. Your views may not match with them so avoid any tension due to the difference of opinions and resolve the matter by communicating and discussing it Avoid travelling especially long travels. If in politics your status will flourish and you will continue to progress. Couples who want to tie a knot this month will get good opportunities coming their way.

Remedy: Donate electrical bulbs to any temple.