This month follow your gut feelings instead of following other parameters to decide things in your life. The saying slow and steady wins the race thoroughly gets fit in for you this month. Do not retaliate aggressively in the matters of property or money in your family . Family & friends appears to be not so cool this month. Little issues may create problems and can affect the harmony. You will not get any support from your siblings which would add to your tension. Continue to work hard to start a new project .You will get help of a close friend who will further fetch you with good profits and expand your business in the future. Go easy with your female acquaintances your existing work may also face difficulties but your coworkers appear to be corporative .A change of job is indicated and work related travels are also possible in this period. Avoid excessive travel. Health needs to be taken care of as some stomach related issues might trouble you. Do not give any witness for anybody as you might get betrayed. Your block money is likely to be cleared in coming weeks. Students should avoid wasting time on entertainment and Internet and should will to work hard .students might go abroad for further studies. Spend some good quality time with your partner otherwise your marital life may remain tasteless with constant misunderstandings disturbing you. Drive very carefully else you might face an accident. In the end of this month you will plan some new projects for your business and your financial area will see some changes with good financial gains. Avoid taking a loan this month.